dlmBSample function

Draw from the posterior distribution of the state vectors

Draw from the posterior distribution of the state vectors

The function simulates one draw from the posterior distribution of the state vectors.



  • modFilt: a list, typically the ouptut from dlmFilter, with elements m, U.C, D.C, a, U.R, D.R (see the value returned by dlmFilter), and mod The latter is an object of class "dlm" or a list with elements GG, W

    and, optionally, JGG, JW, and X


The calculations are based on singular value decomposition.


The function returns a draw from the posterior distribution of the state vectors. If m is a time series then the returned value is a time series with the same tsp, otherwise it is a matrix or vector.


Giovanni Petris (2010), An R Package for Dynamic Linear Models. Journal of Statistical Software, 36(12), 1-16. https://www.jstatsoft.org/v36/i12/.

Petris, Petrone, and Campagnoli, Dynamic Linear Models with R, Springer (2009).

West and Harrison, Bayesian forecasting and dynamic models (2nd ed.), Springer (1997).


Giovanni Petris GPetris@uark.edu

See Also

See also dlmFilter


nileMod <- dlmModPoly(1, dV = 15099.8, dW = 1468.4) nileFilt <- dlmFilter(Nile, nileMod) nileSmooth <- dlmSmooth(nileFilt) # estimated "true" level plot(cbind(Nile, nileSmooth$s[-1]), plot.type = "s", col = c("black", "red"), ylab = "Level", main = "Nile river", lwd = c(2, 2)) for (i in 1:10) # 10 simulated "true" levels lines(dlmBSample(nileFilt[-1]), lty=2)
  • Maintainer: Giovanni Petris
  • License: GPL (>= 2)
  • Last published: 2024-09-21

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