Generate a random (constant or time-varying) object of class "dlm", along with states and observations from it.
dlmRandom(m, p, nobs =0, JFF, JV, JGG, JW)
m: dimension of the observation vector.
p: dimension of the state vector.
nobs: number of states and observations to simulate from the model.
JFF: should the model have a time-varying FF component?
JV: should the model have a time-varying V component?
JGG: should the model have a time-varying GG component?
JW: should the model have a time-varying W component?
The function generates randomly the system and observation matrices and the variances of a DLM having the specified state and observation dimension. The system matrix GG is guaranteed to have eigenvalues strictly less than one, which implies that a constant DLM is asymptotically stationary. The default behavior is to generate a constant DLM. If JFF is TRUE then a model for nobs observations in which all the elements of FF are time-varying is generated. Similarly with JV, JGG, and JW.
The function returns a list with the following components. - mod: An object of class "dlm".
theta: Matrix of simulated state vectors from the model.
y: Matrix of simulated observations from the model.
If nobs is zero, only the mod component is returned.
Anderson and Moore, Optimal filtering, Prentice-Hall (1979)