The function apply Kalman smoother to compute smoothed values of the state vectors, together with their variance/covariance matrices.
dlmSmooth(y,...)## Default S3 method:dlmSmooth(y, mod,...)## S3 method for class 'dlmFiltered'dlmSmooth(y,..., debug =FALSE)
y: an object used to select a method.
...: futher arguments passed to or from other methods.
mod: an object of class "dlm".
debug: if debug=FALSE, faster C code will be used, otherwise all the computations will be performed in R.
The default method returns means and variances of the smoothing distribution for a data vector (or matrix) y and a model mod.
dlmSmooth.dlmFiltered produces the same output based on a dlmFiltered object, typically one produced by a call to dlmFilter.
The calculations are based on the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the relevant matrices. Variance matrices are returned in terms of their SVD.
A list with components - s: Time series (or matrix) of smoothed values of the state vectors. The series starts one time unit before the first observation.
U.S: See below.
D.S: Together with U.S, it gives the SVD of the variances of the smoothing errors.
The observation variance V in mod must be nonsingular.
Zhang, Y. and Li, X.R., Fixed-interval smoothing algorithm based on singular value decomposition, Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications.
Giovanni Petris (2010), An R Package for Dynamic Linear Models. Journal of Statistical Software, 36(12), 1-16.
Petris, Petrone, and Campagnoli, Dynamic Linear Models with R, Springer (2009).
See dlm for a description of dlm objects, dlmSvd2var to obtain a variance matrix from its SVD, dlmFilter for Kalman filtering, dlmMLE for maximum likelihood estimation, and dlmBSample for drawing from the posterior distribution of the state vectors.
s <- dlmSmooth(Nile, dlmModPoly(1, dV =15100, dW =1470))plot(Nile, type ='o')lines(dropFirst(s$s), col ="red")## Multivariateset.seed(2)tmp <- dlmRandom(3,5,20)obs <- tmp$y
m <- tmp$mod
rm(tmp)f <- dlmFilter(obs, m)s <- dlmSmooth(f)all.equal(s, dlmSmooth(obs, m))