dlmSvd2var function

Compute a nonnegative definite matrix from its Singular Value Decomposition

Compute a nonnegative definite matrix from its Singular Value Decomposition

The function computes a nonnegative definite matrix from its Singular Value Decomposition.

dlmSvd2var(u, d)


  • u: a square matrix, or a list of square matrices for a vectorized usage.
  • d: a vector, or a matrix for a vectorized usage.


The SVD of a nonnegative definite nn by nn square matrix xx can be written as ud2uu d^2 u', where uu is an nn

by nn orthogonal matrix and dd is a diagonal matrix. For a single matrix, the function returns just ud2uu d^2 u'. Note that the argument d is a vector containing the diagonal elements of dd. For a vectorized usage, u is a list of square matrices, and d is a matrix. The returned value in this case is a list of matrices, with the element ii being u[[i]] %*% diag(d[i,]^2) %*% t(u[[i]]).


The function returns a nonnegative definite matrix, reconstructed from its SVD, or a list of such matrices (see details above).


Horn and Johnson, Matrix analysis, Cambridge University Press (1985)


Giovanni Petris GPetris@uark.edu


x <- matrix(rnorm(16),4,4) x <- crossprod(x) tmp <- La.svd(x) all.equal(dlmSvd2var(tmp$u, sqrt(tmp$d)), x) ## Vectorized usage x <- dlmFilter(Nile, dlmModPoly(1, dV=15099, dW=1469)) x$se <- sqrt(unlist(dlmSvd2var(x$U.C, x$D.C))) ## Level with 50% probability interval plot(Nile, lty=2) lines(dropFirst(x$m), col="blue") lines(dropFirst(x$m - .67*x$se), lty=3, col="blue") lines(dropFirst(x$m + .67*x$se), lty=3, col="blue")
  • Maintainer: Giovanni Petris
  • License: GPL (>= 2)
  • Last published: 2024-09-21

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