tdlnm function

Treed Distributed Lag Non-Linear Models (Deprecated)

Treed Distributed Lag Non-Linear Models (Deprecated)

TDLNM is a method for estimating Distributed Lag Linear and Non-Linear Models (DLMs/DLNMs). It operates by building an ensemble of regression trees, which each partition the exposure-time- response surface and make estimates at each sector. Trees from the ensemble each contribute a partial estimate of the exposure-time surface, while controlling for a model given by 'formula'.

tdlnm( formula, data,, exposure.splits = 20, = sd(, n.trees = 20, n.burn = 1000, n.iter = 2000, n.thin = 5, family = "gaussian", binomial.size = 1, formula.zi = NULL, tree.params = c(0.95, 2), step.prob = c(0.25, 0.25), monotone = FALSE, monotone.gamma0 = rep(0, ncol(, monotone.sigma = diag(ncol( * 1.502^2, monotone.tree.time.params = c(0.95, 2), monotone.tree.exp.params = c(0.95, 2), monotone.time.kappa = NULL, shrinkage = ifelse(monotone, FALSE, TRUE), subset = NULL, lowmem = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, diagnostics = FALSE, initial.params = NULL, debug = FALSE, ... )


  • formula: object of class formula, a symbolic description of the fixed effect model to be fitted, e.g. y ~ a + b
  • data: data frame containing variables used in the formula
  • numerical matrix of complete exposure data with same length as data
  • exposure.splits: scalar indicating the number of splits (divided evenly across quantiles of the exposure data) or list with two components: 'type' = 'values' or 'quantiles', and 'split.vals' = a numerical vector indicating the corresponding exposure values or quantiles for splits. Setting exposure.splits equal to 0 will change the model to a distributed lag model, which assumes a linear effect of exposure.
  • numerical matrix of exposure standard errors with same size as or a scalar smoothing factor representing a uniform smoothing factor applied to each exposure measurement, defaults to sd(
  • n.trees: integer for number of trees in ensemble, default = 20
  • n.burn: integer for length of burn-in, >=2000 recommended
  • n.iter: integer for number of iterations to run model after burn-in >=5000 recommended
  • n.thin: integer thinning factor, i.e. keep every fifth iteration
  • family: 'gaussian' for continuous response, or 'logit' for binomial response with logit link
  • binomial.size: integer type scalar (if all equal, default = 1) or vector defining binomial size for 'logit' family
  • formula.zi: object of class formula, a symbolic description of the ZI model to be fitted, e.g. y ~ a + b. This only applies to ZINB where covariates for ZI model is different from NB model. This is same as the main formula by default
  • tree.params: numerical vector of alpha and beta hyperparameters controlling tree depth (see Bayesian CART, 1998), default: alpha = 0.95, beta = 2
  • step.prob: numerical vector for probability of 1) grow/prune, and 2) change, defaults to (0.25, 0.25) or equal probability of each step for tree updates
  • monotone: FALSE (default) or TRUE: estimate monotone effects
  • monotone.gamma0: ---------UPDATE---------
  • monotone.sigma: ---------UPDATE---------
  • monotone.tree.time.params: ---------UPDATE---------
  • monotone.tree.exp.params: ---------UPDATE---------
  • monotone.time.kappa: ---------UPDATE---------
  • shrinkage: int, 1 (default) turn on tree-specific shrinkage priors, 0 turn off
  • subset: integer vector to analyze only a subset of data and exposures
  • lowmem: FALSE (default) or TRUE: turn on memory saver for DLNM, slower computation time
  • verbose: TRUE (default) or FALSE: print progress bar output
  • diagnostics: TRUE or FALSE (default) keep model diagnostic such as terminal nodes, acceptance details, etc.
  • initial.params: initial parameters for fixed effects model, FALSE = none (default), "glm" = generate using GLM, or user defined, length must equal number of parameters in fixed effects model
  • debug: if TRUE, outputs debugging messages
  • ...: NA


object of class 'tdlnm' or 'tdlm'



Model is recommended to be run for at minimum 5000 burn-in iterations followed by 15000 sampling iterations with a thinning factor of 10. Convergence can be checked by re-running the model and validating consistency of results.