compareModels function

Comparison among different distributed-lag linear structural equation models

Comparison among different distributed-lag linear structural equation models

Several competing distributed-lag linear structural equation models are compared based on information criteria.



  • x: A list of 2 or more objects of class dlsem estimated on the same data.


A data.frame with one record for each model in x on the following quantities: log-likelihood, number of parameters, Akaike Information Criterion (AIC),

Bayesian Information criterion (BIC).


In order to keep the sample size constant, only the non-missing residuals across all the models are considered (see Magrini, 2020, for details).


H. Akaike (1974). A New Look at the Statistical Identification Model. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 19, 716-723. DOI: 10.1109/TAC.1974.1100705

A. Magrini (2020). A family of theory-based lag shapes for distributed-lag linear regression. To be appeared on Italian Journal of Applied Statistics.

G. Schwarz (1978). Estimating the Dimension of a Model. Annals of Statistics, 6, 461-464. DOI: 10.1214/aos/1176344136

See Also

dlsem .


data(industry) # model with endpoint-contrained quadratic lag shapes indus.code <- list( Consum~ecq(Job,0,5), Pollution~ecq(Job,1,8)+ecq(Consum,1,7) ) indus.mod <- dlsem(indus.code,group="Region",exogenous=c("Population","GDP"),data=industry, log=TRUE) # model with gamma lag shapes indus.code_2 <- list( Consum~gam(Job,0.85,0.2), Pollution~gam(Job,0.95,0.05)+gam(Consum,0.9,0.15) ) indus.mod_2 <- dlsem(indus.code_2,group="Region",exogenous=c("Population","GDP"),data=industry, log=TRUE) compareModels(list(indus.mod,indus.mod_2))
  • Maintainer: Alessandro Magrini
  • License: GPL-2
  • Last published: 2020-04-16

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