Multivariate Dose-Response Meta-Analysis
Best Linear Unbiased Predictions from dosresmeta Models
Extract Coefficients and (Co)Variance Matrix from dosresmeta Objects
Computes the covariance matrix for a set of log relative risks
Computes mean and standardized mean differences for continuous outcome...
Multivariate dose-response meta-analysis
Ancillary Parameters for Controlling the Fit in dosresmeta Models
Fixed-Effects Estimator for dosresmeta Models
ML and REML Estimators for dosresmeta Models
Multivariate Dose-Response Meta-Analysis
dosresmeta Object
Grid with combinations of p for two-order fractional polynomials
Fractional Polynomials
Computes statistics to evaluate the goodness-of-fit from dosresmeta Ob...
Approximating effective-counts as proposed by Greenland & Longnecker
Approximating effective-counts as proposed by Hamling
Extract Log-Likelihood from dosresmeta Objects
Likelihood Functions for dosresmeta Models
Predicted Values from dosresmeta Models
Cochran Q Test of Heterogeneity for dosresmeta Models
Summarizing dosresmeta Models
Variance Partition Components for dosresmeta Objects
Wald Test for Model Coefficients
Estimates dose-response relations from summarized dose-response data and to combines them according to principles of (multivariate) random-effects models.
Useful links