detrend function

Detrend Multiple Ring-Width Series Simultaneously

Detrend Multiple Ring-Width Series Simultaneously

This is a wrapper for detrend.series to detrend many ring-width series at once. UTF-8

detrend(rwl, = names(rwl), make.plot = FALSE, method = c("Spline", "ModNegExp", "Mean", "Ar", "Friedman", "ModHugershoff", "AgeDepSpline"), nyrs = NULL, f = 0.5, pos.slope = FALSE, constrain.nls = c("never", "", "always"), verbose = FALSE, = FALSE, wt, span = "cv", bass = 0, difference = FALSE)


  • rwl: a data.frame with series as columns and years as rows such as that produced by read.rwl

  • a character vector of length(ncol(rwl)) that gives the ID of each series. Defaults to the column names of rwl.

  • make.plot: a logical flag. Makes plots of the raw data and detrended data if TRUE. See details below.

  • method: a character vector to determine the detrending methods. See details below. Possible values are all subsets of

    c("Spline", "ModNegExp", "Mean", "Ar", "Friedman", "ModHugershoff","AgeDepSpline"). Defaults to using all the available methods.

  • nyrs: a number giving the rigidity of the smoothing spline, defaults to 0.67 of series length if nyrs is NULL.

  • f: a number between 0 and 1 giving the frequency response or wavelength cutoff. Defaults to 0.5.

  • pos.slope: a logical flag. Will allow for a positive slope to be used in method "ModNegExp" and "ModHugershoff". If FALSE the line will be horizontal.

  • constrain.nls: a character string which controls the constraints of the "ModNegExp" model and the "ModHugershoff". See detrend.series for further details.

  • verbose: logical. Write out details?

  • a logical flag. If TRUE, details about models and data will be added to the return value. See Value .

  • wt: a numeric vector of case weights for method "Friedman". The default means equals weights.

  • span: a numeric value controlling method "Friedman", or "cv" (default) for automatic choice by cross-validation. See supsmu.

  • bass: a numeric value controlling the smoothness of the fitted curve in method "Friedman". See supsmu.

  • difference: a logical flag. Compute residuals by substraction if TRUE, otherwise use division.


See detrend.series for details on detrending methods. Setting make.plot = TRUE will cause plots of each series to be produced. These could be saved using Devices if desired.


If one detrending method is used, a data.frame containing the dimensionless detrended ring widths with column names, row names and dimensions of rwl. If more methods are used, a list with ncol(rwl) elements each containing a data.frame

with the detrended ring widths in each column.

If is TRUE, the return value is a list with four parts:

  • series: the main result described above (data.frame or list of data.frames)

  • curves: the curve or line used to detrend series. Either a data.frame or a list of data.frames.

  • Information about the models corresponding to each output series. A list with one element for each column of rwl. See detrend.series (Value , ) for a description of the contents.

  • Information about the input series. A list

    with one element for each column of rwl. See detrend.series (Value , ).


This function uses the foreach looping construct with the %dopar% operator. For parallel computing and a potential speedup, a parallel backend must be registered before running the function. If verbose is TRUE, parallel computation is disabled.


Andy Bunn. Improved by Mikko Korpela.

See Also



library(utils) data(ca533) ## Detrend using modified exponential decay. Returns a data.frame ca533.rwi <- detrend(rwl = ca533, method = "ModNegExp") ## Detrend using splines and compute ## residuals via subtraction ca533.rwi <- detrend(rwl = ca533, method = "Spline", difference = TRUE) ## Detrend using modified Hugershoff curve and return info on the model ## fits. Returns a list with: series, curves, modelinfo and data(co021) co021.rwi <- detrend(rwl = co021, method = "ModHugershoff", ## Not run: library(grDevices) ## Detrend using all methods. Returns a list ca533.rwi <- detrend(rwl = ca533) ## Save a pdf of all series fname <- tempfile(fileext=".pdf") print(fname) # tempfile used for output pdf(fname) ca533.rwi <- detrend(rwl = ca533, method = c("Spline", "ModNegExp"), make.plot = TRUE) unlink(fname) # remove the file ## End(Not run)

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