latexDate function

Date Conversion to Character in LaTeX Format

Date Conversion to Character in LaTeX Format

This is a simple convenience function that returns a date in the format used by \today in LaTeX. A possible use case is fixing the date shown in a vignette at weaving time. UTF-8

latexDate(x = Sys.Date(), ...)


  • x: any object for which an as.POSIXlt method exists. Defaults to the current date.
  • ...: other arguments to as.POSIXlt


A character vector


Mikko Korpela


latexDate() # today latexDate(Sys.Date() + 5) # today + 5 days latexDate(c("2013-12-06", "2014-09-19")) # fixed dates ## [1] "December 6, 2013" "September 19, 2014" latexDate(5*60*60*24, origin=Sys.Date()) # today + 5 days