Perform a Continuous Morlet Wavelet Transform
This function performs a continuous wavelet transform on a time series. UTF-8
morlet(y1, x1 = seq_along(y1), p2 = NULL, dj = 0.25, siglvl = 0.95)
: numeric
vector. Series to be transformed.
: numeric
. A vector of values giving the years for the plot. Must be the same length as length(y1)
: numeric
. The number of power of two to be computed for the wavelet transform. Calculated from length of y1
: numeric
. Sub-octaves per octave calculated.
: numeric
. Level for the significance test.
This performs a continuous wavelet transform of a time series. This function is typically invoked with wavelet.plot
A list
containing: - y: numeric
. The original time series.
x: numeric
. The time values.
wave: complex
. The wavelet transform.
coi: numeric
. The cone of influence.
period: numeric
. The period.
Scale: numeric
. The scale.
Signif: numeric
. The significant values.
Power: numeric
. The squared power.
Torrence, C. and Compo, G. P. (1998) A practical guide to wavelet analysis. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 79 (1), 61 78.
This is a port of Torrence s IDL code, which can be accessed through the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
Andy Bunn. Patched and improved by Mikko Korpela.
library(utils) data(ca533) ca533.rwi <- detrend(rwl = ca533, method = "ModNegExp") ca533.crn <- chron(ca533.rwi, prewhiten = FALSE) Years <- time(ca533.crn) CAMstd <- ca533.crn[, 1] out.wave <- morlet(y1 = CAMstd, x1 = Years, dj = 0.1, siglvl = 0.99)