A Grammar of Data Manipulation
Summarise and mutate multiple columns.
Create a table from a data source
Coerce to a tibble
Return a prototype of a tbl
List variables provided by a tbl.
Other tidy eval tools
Apply a function (or functions) across multiple columns
Convert row names to an explicit variable.
Flexible equality comparison for data frames
Apply predicate to all variables
Helper for consistent documentation of .by
Order rows using column values
Arrange rows by a selection of variables
Copy tables to same source, if necessary
Database and SQL generics.
Detect where values fall in a specified range
Bind multiple data frames by column
Bind multiple data frames by row
Combine values from multiple columns
A general vectorised switch()
A general vectorised if-else
dbplyr compatibility functions
Find the first non-missing element
Combine vectors
Extract out common by variables
Force computation of a database query
Generate a unique identifier for consecutive combinations
Information about the "current" group or variable
Copy a local data frame to a remote src
Count the observations in each group
Cross join
Cumulativate versions of any, all, and mean
Defunct functions
Information about the "current" group or variable
Descending order
Describing dimensions
Keep distinct/unique rows
Select distinct rows by a selection of variables
Do anything
Locale used by arrange()
dplyr: A Grammar of Data Manipulation
Per-operation grouping with .by
Extending dplyr with new data frame subclasses
Argument type: tidy-select
Explain details of a tbl
Filtering joins
Keep rows that match a condition
Filter within a selection of variables
Create a list of function calls
Get a glimpse of your data
Group by one or more variables
Group by a selection of variables
Default value for .drop argument of group_by
Same basic philosophy as group_by_prepare(): lazy_dots comes in, list ...
Select grouping variables
Grouping metadata
Select top (or bottom) n rows (by value)
Apply a function to each group
Nest a tibble using a grouping specification
Split data frame by groups
Trim grouping structure
A grouped data frame.
Flag a character vector as SQL identifiers
Vectorised if-else
Join specifications
Show warnings from the last command
Compute lagged or leading values
Create a "tbl" object
Mutating joins
Create, modify, and delete columns
Mutate multiple columns
Count unique combinations
Convert values to NA
Compare two numeric vectors
Nest by one or more variables
Nest join
Low-level construction and validation for the grouped_df and rowwise_d...
Extract the first, last, or nth value from a vector
Bucket a numeric vector into n
A helper function for ordering window function output
Proportional ranking functions
Select a subset of columns
Progress bar with estimated time.
Extract a single column
Recode values
Objects exported from other packages
Transform each group to an arbitrary number of rows
Change column order
Rename columns
Integer ranking functions
Manipulate individual rows
Group input by rows
Figure out if two sources are the same (or two tbl have the same sourc...
Sample n rows from a table
Operate on a selection of variables
Deprecated SE versions of main verbs.
Keep or drop columns using their names and types
Select and rename a selection of variables
Set operations
Subset rows using their positions
SQL escaping.
Create a "src" object
Source for database backends
A local source
List all tbls provided by a source.
Summarise each group down to one row
Summarise multiple columns
Create, modify, and delete columns
Select variables
Perform an operation with temporary groups
Run a function with one order, translating result back to original ord...
A fast, consistent tool for working with data frame like objects, both in memory and out of memory.
Useful links