Bayesian Modeling and Causal Inference for Multivariate Longitudinal Data
Convert dynamite
Output to draws_df
Extract Samples From a dynamitefit
Object as a Data Frame
Extract Samples From a dynamitefit
Object as a Data Table
Extract Regression Coefficients of a dynamite
Credible Intervals for dynamite
Model Parameters
Estimate a Bayesian Dynamic Multivariate Panel Model With Multiple Imp...
Deprecated Functions in the dynamite
The dynamite
Estimate a Bayesian Dynamic Multivariate Panel Model
Model Formula for dynamite
Extract Fitted Values of a dynamite
Get the algorithm used in a Stan model fit
Extract the Stan Code of the dynamite
Extract the Model Data of the dynamite
Get the diagnostics of a Stan model fit
Get the draws of a Stan model fit
Get the elapsed time of a Stan model fit
Get the maximum treedepth of chains of a Stan model fit
Get the model code of a Stan model fit
Get the number of chains of a Stan model fit
Get the number of draws of a Stan model fit
Get Parameter Dimensions of the dynamite
Get Parameter Names of the dynamite
Get Parameter Types of the dynamite
Get pars_oi
of a Stan model fit
Get Prior Definitions of a dynamite
HMC Diagnostics for a dynamite
Add Lagged Responses as Predictors to Each Channel of a dynamite
Define a Common Latent Factor for the dynamite
Approximate Leave-Future-Out (LFO) Cross-validation
Approximate Leave-One-Out (LOO) Cross-validation
Diagnostic Values of a dynamite
Compute Lagging Values of an Imputed Response
Compute Leading Values of an Imputed Response
Return the Number of Posterior Draws of a dynamitefit
Extract the Number of Observations Used to Fit a dynamite
Plots for dynamitefit
Plot the Model Structure as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)
Diagnostic Plot for Pareto k Values from LFO
Predict Method for a dynamite
Print the results from the LFO
Additional Specifications for the Group-level Random Effects of the DM...
Define the B-splines Used for the Time-varying Coefficients of the Mod...
Update a dynamite
Easy-to-use and efficient interface for Bayesian inference of complex panel (time series) data using dynamic multivariate panel models by Helske and Tikka (2024) <doi:10.1016/j.alcr.2024.100617>. The package supports joint modeling of multiple measurements per individual, time-varying and time-invariant effects, and a wide range of discrete and continuous distributions. Estimation of these dynamic multivariate panel models is carried out via 'Stan'. For an in-depth tutorial of the package, see (Tikka and Helske, 2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2302.01607>.
Useful links