Tools to Create, Use, and Convert ecocomDP Data
Create EML metadata
Annotations of published data
Calculate geo_extent_bounding_box_m2 for the dataset_summary table
Calculate length_of_survey_years for the dataset_summary table
Calculate number_of_years_sampled for the dataset_summary table
Calculate std_dev_interval_betw_years for the dataset_summary table
Convert a dataset to the Darwin Core Archive format
Create the dataset_summary table
Create the location_ancillary table
Create the location table
Create the observation_ancillary table
Create the observation table
Create the taxon_ancillary table
Create the taxon table
Create the variable_mapping table
Flatten a dataset
Plot dates and times samples were collected or observations were made
Plot sites on US map
Plot mean taxa abundances per 'observation_id'
Plot taxa accumulation by site accumulation
Plot taxa accumulation through time
Plot diversity (taxa richness) through time
Plot taxon occurrence frequencies
Plot taxa ranks
Plot dates and times samples were taken (DEPRECATED)
Plot number of unique taxa shared across sites
Read published data
Save a dataset
Search published data
Validate tables against the model
Write tables to file
Work with the Ecological Community Data Design Pattern. 'ecocomDP' is a flexible data model for harmonizing ecological community surveys, in a research question agnostic format, from source data published across repositories, and with methods that keep the derived data up-to-date as the underlying sources change. Described in O'Brien et al. (2021), <doi:10.1016/j.ecoinf.2021.101374>.