Encapsulating Elements of Experimental Design
Generate a sequence of labels with custom formatting options
Latin square designs and its generalisations as an array
Setting the traits of the levels
Balance incomplete block design
Completely randomised design
Prepare a factorial design
Graeco-Latin Square Design
Hyper-Graeco-Latin Square Design
Prepare classical Latin square design
Prepare a randomised complete block design
Split-unit design
Strip-unit design
Youden square design
Find the short names of the named designs
Validation values
Activate the provenance in the edibble design object
Allot treatments to units and serve table
Define allotment of treatments to units
Define allotment of units to nested units
Convert edibble table to normal data frame
Convert an edibble data frame to normal data frame
Assign treatments or units to units
Autofill the records
Select a column.
Specify the units to cross to index a new unit
Expected type of data entry
Test and get edibble objects
Start the edibble design
Anatomy of the design
Get the node or edge data from an edibble design
A baseline model for given experimental design
edibble: Encapsulating Elements of Experimental Design
Examine the simulation process
Check the recipe code
Label with nested or distinct labels
Set the expected values for recording variables
Export the design to xlsx
Setting the traits of factors
Factor name generator
Factor graph
Print intermediate experimental design to terminal
A function to process input as input for graph manipulation
Check if an object is an instance of the "Provenance" class.
A function to check if the output is a takeout design
Specify the nesting or conditional structure for units or treatments
Get the nesting structure for the units
An edibble table constructor
A custom ordering algorithm
Pipe operator
Pivot treatments to a wider list or table format
Pivot factor to a wider list
Interactive plot of the edibble design
An object to query, record and modify an edibble graph
Rescale a numerical vector
Serve edibble table
Set the experimental context as metadata
Set records for given unit
Set the treatment variables
This is a helper function to set the parameter values
Set units used in experiment
Simulation process
Simulate records
Split or count the data according to certain factors
Create a named experimental design
Treatments table
Utility functions for edibble variable
A helper function to set variables that the record is dependent on.
A system to facilitate designing comparative (and non-comparative) experiments using the grammar of experimental designs <https://emitanaka.org/edibble-book/>. An experimental design is treated as an intermediate, mutable object that is built progressively by fundamental experimental components like units, treatments, and their relation. The system aids in experimental planning, management and workflow.
Useful links