Tools for Pre-Processing Emission-Excitation-Matrix (EEM) Fluorescence Data
eem constructor
Bind eem or eemlist
Calculate the biological fluorescence index (BIX)
Extract fluorescence peaks
Cut emission and/or excitation wavelengths from EEMs
Export EEMs to Matlab
Extract EEM samples
Extract blank EEM
Calculate the fluorescence index (FI)
Calculate the fluorescence humification index (HIX)
Inner-filter effect correction
Set the sample names of an eem or eemlist objects
The names of an eem or eemlist objects
Extract fluorescence peaks
Fluorescence Intensity Calibration Using the Raman Scatter Peak of Wat...
Read excitation-emission fluorescence matrix (eem)
Blank correction
Remove Raman and Rayleigh scattering
Set Excitation and/or Emission wavelengths
eemR: Tools for Pre-Processing Emission-Excitation-Matrix (EEM) Fluore...
Surface plot of eem
Display summary of an eemlist object
Display summary of an eemlist object
Provides various tools for preprocessing Emission-Excitation-Matrix (EEM) for Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC). Different methods are also provided to calculate common metrics such as humification index and fluorescence index.