Import and Analyse Ego-Centered Network Data
Activate ego, alter or alter-alter tie data level of an egor dataset
Set and query the alter nomination design
Calculate diversity measures on an egor
Append rows/columns to ego, alter or aatie data
Convert egor
object to network
or igraph
Extract ego, alter, and alter-alter tables from an egor
Cluster ego-centered networks by a grouping factor
Obtain the index of a column in a data frame (or a list), producing an...
Longest common prefix of a set of strings.
Calculate the EI-Indices of an egor
object as a measurement of ego-a...
Calculate custom compositional measures on an egor
Calculate the composition of alter attributes in an egor
Count attribute combinations of dyads in ego-centered networks
Transforms edge lists to alter-alter wide format data.
Calculate Burt constraint for the egos of ego-centered networks
Calculate the relationship density in ego-centered networks
Set and query the ego sampling design
R Package for importing and analyzing ego-centered-network data
egor - a data class for ego-centered network data.
Display names and values of global egor options.
Network Visualization App
Calculate EI-Index of ego networks
This extracts egos from igraph/network data if they are named in `ego_...
General helper functions
Create layout for an egogram
Generate a random edge list for one network.
Generate random ego-centered-network data.
Import ego-centered network data from 'one file format'
Order edge list columns with source and target at the beginning.
Plotting egor objects
Read ego-centered network data exported with EgoNet software as an `eg...
Objects exported from other packages
Returns results inheriting srvyr
design if the input egor object has...
Rotate circle or star graph layout so that it 'stands' on two bottom n...
Rotate a matrix of x and y coordinates by a radian
Convert a table to a list of rows
Filter and Subset Ego-centered Datasets
Methods to print and summarize egor
Read/ import ego-centered network data from the three files format, Eg...
Trims alter-alter ties of alters that are missing/ deleted from alters...
Trims alters that are missing/ deleted from ego data.
Import ego-centered network data from two file format
Visualize clustered graphs
extracts the (relative) sampling weights of each ego ...
Transform wide alter-alter data to an edge list. When alter-alter for ...
Transform wide alter-alter data to an edge list. A regex based impleme...
Transform 'wide' alter-level data to the 'long'-format
Tools for importing, analyzing and visualizing ego-centered network data. Supports several data formats, including the export formats of 'EgoNet', 'EgoWeb 2.0' and 'openeddi'. An interactive (shiny) app for the intuitive visualization of ego-centered networks is provided. Also included are procedures for creating and visualizing Clustered Graphs (Lerner 2008 <DOI:10.1109/PACIFICVIS.2008.4475458>).
Useful links