Event History Analysis
Parametric proportional hazards regression
Accelerated Failure Time Regression
Age cut of survival data
Calendar time cut of survival data
Graphical goodness-of-fit test
Check the integrity of survival data.
Graphical comparison of cumulative hazards
Loglihood function (partial likelihood) of a Cox regression
Cox regression
Cox regression
Cox regression
Creates a minimal representation of a data frame.
eha: Event History Analysis
The EV Distribution
Frailty experiment
Constant intensity discrete time proportional hazards
The Gompertz Distribution
Get baseline hazards atoms from fits from
HISCO to HISCLASS transformation
function imported from survival
function imported from survival
Straighten up a survival data frame
The Loglogistic Distribution
The Lognormal Distribution
The Log-rank test
LaTeX printing of regression results.
LaTeX alternative printing of regression results.
Put communals in "fixed" data frame
The Gompertz-Makeham Distribution
ML proportional hazards regression
Create an oe object
The Piecewise Constant Hazards distribution.
Piecewise Constant Proportional Hazards Regression
Period statistics
Loglihood function of a proportional hazards regression
Parametric proportional hazards regression
Parametric Proportional Hazards Regression
Piecewise hazards
Plots output from an AFT regression
Plot method for coxreg
Plots of hazdata objects.
Plots of hazdata objects.
Plots output from a phreg regression
Plots output from a tpchreg regression
Plots output from a Weibull regression
Graphical comparing of cumulative hazards
Prints aftreg objects
Prints coxreg objects
Prints logrank objects
Prints phreg objects
Prints a summary of the content of a set of risk sets.
Prints summary.aftreg objects
Prints summary.coxreg objects
Prints summary.phreg objects
Prints summary.tpchreg objects
Prints tpchreg objects
Prints weibreg objects
Retrieves regression tables
Finds the compositions and sizes of risk sets
Prints aftreg objects
A summary of coxreg objects.
A summary of phreg objects.
Summary for tpchreg objects
Prints a weibreg object
Split a survival object at specified durations.
Calculating failure times, risk set sizes and No. of events in each ri...
Transforms a "survival" data frame into a data frame suitable for bina...
Convert time in years since "0000-01-01" to a date.
Calculate duration in years from "0000-01-01" to a given date
Transform survival data to tabular form
Proportional hazards regression with piecewise constant hazards and ta...
Weibull regression
Weibull Regression
The (Cumulative) Hazard Function of a Weibull Distribution
Loglihood function of a Weibull regression
Parametric proportional hazards fitting with left truncation and right censoring for common families of distributions, piecewise constant hazards, and discrete models. Parametric accelerated failure time models for left truncated and right censored data. Proportional hazards models for tabular and register data. Sampling of risk sets in Cox regression, selections in the Lexis diagram, bootstrapping. Broström (2022) <doi:10.1201/9780429503764>.