Estimated Marginal Means, aka Least-Squares Means
Miscellaneous methods for emmGrid
Interaction-style plots for estimated marginal means
Construct an emmGrid
object from scratch
Estimated marginal means of linear trends
Support functions for model extensions
Combine or subset emmGrid
Create a reference grid from a fitted model
Reconstruct a reference grid with a new transformation or simulations
Summaries, predictions, intervals, and tests for emmGrid
Dare to be un-"tidy"!
Update an emmGrid
Wrappers for alternative naming of EMMs
Using xtable
for EMMs
The emmGrid
Convert to and from emmGrid
Pairwise P-value matrix (plus other statistics)
Pairwise P-value plot
Auto Pollution Filter Noise
Compact letter displays
Contrasts and linear functions of EMMs
Calculate Cohen effect sizes and confidence bounds thereof
Run or list additional examples
The emm_list
Set or change emmeans options
Contrast families
Estimated marginal means (aka Least-squares means)
Estimated marginal means (Least-squares means)
Support for multcomp::glht
Summarize an emmGrid from a Bayesian model
Compute joint tests of the terms in a model
Response-transformation extensions
Manipulate factors in a reference grid
Support for MCMC-based estimation
Models supported in emmeans
Multivariate contrasts
Multivariate regridding
Plot an emmGrid
or summary_emm
Quick and dirty reference grid
Obtain estimated marginal means (EMMs) for many linear, generalized linear, and mixed models. Compute contrasts or linear functions of EMMs, trends, and comparisons of slopes. Plots and other displays. Least-squares means are discussed, and the term "estimated marginal means" is suggested, in Searle, Speed, and Milliken (1980) Population marginal means in the linear model: An alternative to least squares means, The American Statistician 34(4), 216-221 <doi:10.1080/00031305.1980.10483031>.
Useful links