binary_indicator function

Binary quality indicators

Binary quality indicators

Calculates the quality indicator value of the set of points given in x with respect to the set given in o. As with all functions in emoa that deal with sets of objective values these are stored by column.

hypervolume_indicator(points, o, ref) epsilon_indicator(points, o) r1_indicator(points, o, ideal, nadir, lambda, utility = "Tchebycheff") r2_indicator(points, o, ideal, nadir, lambda, utility = "Tchebycheff") r3_indicator(points, o, ideal, nadir, lambda, utility = "Tchebycheff")


  • points: Matrix of points for which to calculate the indicator value stored one per column.
  • o: Matrix of points of the reference set.
  • ref: Reference point, if omitted, the nadir of the point sets is used.
  • ideal: Ideal point of true Pareto front. If omited the ideal of both point sets is used.
  • nadir: Nadir of the true Pareto front. If ommited the nadir of both point sets is used.
  • lambda: Number of weight vectors to use in estimating the utility.
  • utility: Name of utility function.


Value of the quality indicator.


Zitzler, E., Thiele, L., Laumanns, M., Fonseca, C., and Grunert da Fonseca, V (2003): Performance Assessment of Multiobjective Optimizers: An Analysis and Review. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 7(2), 117-132.


Olaf Mersmann