Represent Ordered Lists and Pairs as Strings
Coerce to Factor using Encoding if Present
Extract Codes by Default from an Object
Extract Codes from an Object
Decode Data Frame.
Decode an Object by Default
Decode an Object
Extract Decodes by Default from an Object
Extract Decodes from an Object
Encode Character.
Encode Default.
Encode a List
Encode Factor-like Levels and Labels as a Simple String
Check If Default Object is Encoded
Check If Object is Encoded
Interconverts between ordered lists and compact string notation. Useful for capturing code lists, and pair-wise codes and decodes, for text storage. Analogous to factor levels and labels. Generics encode() and decode() perform interconversion, while codes() and decodes() extract components of an encoding. The function encoded() checks whether something is interpretable as an encoding. If a vector has an encoded 'guide' attribute, as_factor() uses it to coerce to factor.