dot-epichains function

Create an <epichains> object

Create an <epichains> object

epichains() constructs an <epichains> object, which is inherently an <data.frame> object that stores some of the inputs passed to the simulate_chains() and the simulated output. The stored attributes are useful for downstream analyses and reproducibility. This function checks the validity of the object created to ensure it has the right columns and column types.

An <epichains> object contains a <data.frame> of the simulated outbreak with ids for each infector and infectee, generation, and optionally, time, the number of chains simulated, the chain statistic that was tracked, and whether the susceptible population was tracked.

.epichains( sim_df, n_chains, offspring_dist, track_pop, statistic = c("size", "length"), stat_threshold = Inf )


  • sim_df: a <data.frame> containing at least columns for "infectee_id", "infector_id", and "generation". Also has optional columns for "time", and "chain_id".

  • n_chains: Number of chains to simulate.

  • offspring_dist: Offspring distribution: a <function> like the ones provided by R to generate random numbers from given distributions (e.g., rpois for Poisson). More specifically, the function needs to accept at least one argument, n, which is the number of random numbers to generate. It can accept further arguments, which will be passed on to the random number generating functions. Examples that can be provided here are rpois for Poisson distributed offspring, rnbinom for negative binomial offspring, or custom functions.

  • track_pop: Was the susceptible population tracked? Logical.

  • statistic: The chain statistic to track as the stopping criteria for each chain being simulated when stat_threshold is not Inf; A <string>. It can be one of:

    • "size": the total number of cases produced by a chain before it goes extinct.
    • "length": the total number of generations reached by a chain before it goes extinct.
  • stat_threshold: A stopping criterion for individual chain simulations; a positive number coercible to integer. When any chain's cumulative statistic reaches or surpasses stat_threshold, that chain ends. Defaults to Inf. For example, if statistic = "size" and stat_threshold = 10, then any chain that produces 10 or more cases will stop. Note that setting stat_threshold does not guarantee that all chains will stop at the same value.


An <epichains> object.


James M. Azam