epitweetr_app function

Run the epitweetr Shiny app

Run the epitweetr Shiny app

Open the epitweetr Shiny app, used to setup the Data collection & processing pipeline, the Requirements & alerts pipeline and to visualise the outputs.

epitweetr_app(data_dir = NA)


  • data_dir: Path to the 'data directory' containing application settings, models and collected tweets. If not provided the system will try to reuse the existing one from last session call of setup_config or use the EPI_HOME environment variable, default: NA


The Shiny server object containing the launched application


The epitweetr app is the user entry point to the epitweetr package. This application will help the user to setup the tweet collection process, manage all settings, see the interactive dashboard visualisations, export them to Markdown or PDF, and setup the alert emails.

All its functionality is described on the epitweetr vignette.


if(FALSE){ #Running the epitweetr app library(epitweetr) message('Please choose the epitweetr data directory') setup_config(file.choose()) epitweetr_app() }

See Also



  • Maintainer: Laura Espinosa
  • License: EUPL
  • Last published: 2023-11-15