search_tweets function

perform full text search on tweets collected with epitweetr

perform full text search on tweets collected with epitweetr

perform full text search on tweets collected with epitweetr (tweets migrated from epitweetr v<1.0.x are also included)

search_tweets( query = NULL, topic = NULL, from = NULL, to = NULL, countries = NULL, mentioning = NULL, users = NULL, hide_users = FALSE, action = NULL, max = 100, by_relevance = FALSE )


  • query: character. The query to be used if a text it will match the tweet text. To see how to match particular fields please see details, default:NULL
  • topic: character, Vector of topics to include on the search default:NULL
  • from: an object which can be converted to ‘"POSIXlt"’ only tweets posted after or on this date will be included, default:NULL
  • to: an object which can be converted to ‘"POSIXlt"’ only tweets posted before or on this date will be included, default:NULL
  • countries: character or numeric, the position or name of epitweetr regions to be included on the query, default:NULL
  • mentioning: character, limit the search to the tweets mentioning the given users, default:NULL
  • users: character, limit the search to the tweets created by the provided users, default:NULL
  • hide_users: logical, whether to hide user names on output replacing them by the USER keyword, default:FALSE
  • action: character, an action to be performed on the search results respecting the max parameter. Possible values are 'delete' or 'anonymise' , default:NULL
  • max: integer, maximum number of tweets to be included on the search, default:100
  • by_relevance: logical, whether to sort the results by relevance of the matching query or by indexing order, default:FALSE If not provided the system will try to reuse the existing one from last session call of setup_config or use the EPI_HOME environment variable, default: NA


a data frame containing the tweets matching the selected filters, the data frame contains the following columns: linked_user_location, linked_user_name, linked_user_description, screen_name, created_date, is_geo_located, user_location_loc, is_retweet, text, text_loc, user_id, hash, user_description, linked_lang, linked_screen_name, user_location, totalCount, created_at, topic_tweet_id, topic, lang, user_name, linked_text, tweet_id, linked_text_loc, hashtags, user_description_loc


epitweetr translate the query provided by all parameters into a single query that will be executed on tweet indexes which are weekly indexes. The q parameter should respect the syntax of the Lucene classic parser

So other than the provided parameters, multi field queries are supported by using the syntax field_name:value1;value2 AND, OR and -(for excluding terms) are supported on q parameter. Order by week is always applied before relevance so even if you provide by_relevance = TRUE all of the matching tweets of the first week will be returned first


if(FALSE){ #Running the detect loop library(epitweetr) message('Please choose the epitweetr data directory') setup_config(file.choose()) df <- search_tweets( q = "vaccination", topic="COVID-19", countries=c("Chile", "Australia", "France"), from = Sys.Date(), to = Sys.Date() ) df$text }

See Also



  • Maintainer: Laura Espinosa
  • License: EUPL
  • Last published: 2023-11-15