Year-Based Time Scales
Get parameters of an era
Get the parameters of an era_year
Year units
Internal rlang methods
Internal vctrs methods
Create an era object
Standard era definitions
Validation functions for era_year
Validation functions for era
Validation functions for yr
Current year
Get or set the era of a vector of years
Chronological minima and maxima
Chronological ordering of year vectors
Convert years from one era to another
Create a vector of years with era
Provides a consistent representation of year-based time scales as a numeric vector with an associated 'era'. There are built-in era definitions for many year numbering systems used in contemporary and historic calendars (e.g. Common Era, Islamic 'Hijri' years); year-based time scales used in archaeology, astronomy, geology, and other palaeosciences (e.g. Before Present, SI-prefixed 'annus'); and support for arbitrary user-defined eras. Years can converted from any one era to another using a generalised transformation function. Methods are also provided for robust casting and coercion between years and other numeric types, type-stable arithmetic with years, and pretty-printing in tables.
Useful links