Preprocessing Experience Sampling Method (ESM) Data
Add Custom CSS and JavaScript to R Markdown Document
Create an HTML button with optional toggleable content
Generate a calendar plot
Create Codebook Table
Get Context of Rows
Display information regarding the dataset in a succinct way.
End the HTML button container
Extract Following Rows from a Dataframe
Get the internal package environment
Generate a heatmap calendar plot
Calculate Longstring Value
Generate a participants' book
Print method of the dataInfo object
Randomly Sample Rows from a Dataframe
Custom Text for Rmarkdown with Counting
Import esmtools RMarkdown Templates
Create Unique Values Dataframe
Tailored explicitly for Experience Sampling Method (ESM) data, it contains a suite of functions designed to simplify preprocessing steps and create subsequent reporting. It empowers users with capabilities to extract critical insights during preprocessing, conducts thorough data quality assessments (e.g., design and sampling scheme checks, compliance rate, careless responses), and generates visualizations and concise summary tables tailored specifically for ESM data. Additionally, it streamlines the creation of informative and interactive preprocessing reports, enabling researchers to transparently share their dataset preprocessing methodologies. Finally, it is part of a larger ecosystem which includes a framework and a web gallery (<>).
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