Comparative and Population Genetic Analyses
simulated SNP data
Computes an AICc score
Calculate the mean of a continuous character at the origin of derived ...
Calculate Patterson's D-statistic
Tests whether a number is even
evobiR: Evolutionary Biology in R
Find Close Matches in a tree and dataset
Gnatocerus measurements
Calcualtes the mode of a numeric vector
Create Simulated Datasets via PPS
Reorders trait data to match the order of tips in a tree
Selection on Residuals
Select a random sample of trees
Sliding window analysis
creates a supermatrix from multiple gene alignments
100 Phylogenetic trees
Learning Resources
Calculate Patterson's D-statistic in sliding windows
Comparative analysis of continuous traits influencing discrete states, and utility tools to facilitate comparative analyses. Implementations of ABBA/BABA type statistics to test for introgression in genomic data. Wright-Fisher, phylogenetic tree, and statistical distribution Shiny interactive simulations for use in teaching.