Include figures from TikZ code in an exercise after compiling it with tex2image.
include_tikz(tikz, name ="tikzpicture", format =NULL, library =NULL, width =NULL, markup ="tex",...)
tikz: character vector with the TikZ code.
name: character. Name prefix of the graphics file to be produced.
format: character. The graphics format requested from tex2image, e.g., "png" (default), "svg", "pdf". If set to "tex" then tex2image is not called but the tikz code is included directly.
library: character. Names of TikZ libraries required for compiling the tikz code (if any).
width: character. The width with which the resulting graphic should be included in LaTeX.
markup: character. Which type of markup should be written? Can be "tex" (default), "markdown", or "none".
...: arguments passed to tex2image.
The function include_tikz takes a character vector with tikz
code, if necessary adds a {tikzpicture} environment, renders it into a graphics file via tex2image, and returns LaTeX or Markdown code that embeds the graphics into an exercise.
If format = "tex" and markup = "tex" the TikZ code is included directly (possibly adding library and {tikzpicture}, if necessary).
A character vector is returned. This contains just the name of the graphics file produced (i.e., name.format) except for format = "tex"
where the TikZ code is returned. For markup = "tex" or "markdown"
the value is returned invisibly.
## TikZ code for a logic gatetz <- "
\\node[left,draw, logic gate inputs=nn, xor gate US,fill=white,,scale=2.5](G1) at (0,0){}; \\draw (G1.output)--++(0.5,0) node[right](y){$y$}; \\draw (G1.input 1)--++(-0.5,0) node[left]{$a$}; \\draw (G1.input 2)--++(-0.5,0) node[left]{$b$};"
## switch to temporary directorywd <- getwd()td <- tempfile()dir.create(td)setwd(td)dir()## produce PDF figure and produce includegraphics statementinclude_tikz(tz, name ="logicgate", format ="pdf", library = c("arrows","shapes.gates.logic.US","calc"), width ="2.5cm")dir()## alternatively produce just the complete TikZ codeinclude_tikz(tz, name ="logicgate", format ="tex", library = c("arrows","shapes.gates.logic.US","calc"))## switch back to original working directorysetwd(wd)