whichInterval function

From a set of intervals, find which interval values belong to

From a set of intervals, find which interval values belong to

Returns which interval (if any) each number in a vector belongs to, given a set of user-defined intervals. Intervals can be specified using either two-column matrices or Intervals objects from the intervals package.

whichInterval(x, Intv) which_interval(x, Intv)


  • x: A vector of numeric values
  • Intv: A two-column matrix or an object of class Intervals


For each value in x: if x[i] is in the set of intervals, the index of the corresponding interval(s), NA if no interval contains x[i]


start <- c(0, 1, 2) end <- c(.5, 1.3, 3) intv <- cbind(start, end) # The first interval is 0-0.5, second is 1-1.3, etc. whichInterval(seq(0, 3, l = 10), intv)

See Also



Simon Barthelme

  • Maintainer: Austin Hurst
  • License: GPL-3 | file LICENCE
  • Last published: 2021-06-03