simulate_eyetrackingr_data function

Simulate an eyetrackingR dataset

Simulate an eyetrackingR dataset

This function creates an eyetrackingR dataset (i.e., already run through make_eyetrackingr_data). This can be helpful for examining the false-alarm and sensitivity of analysis-techniques via simulations.

simulate_eyetrackingr_data( num_participants = 16, num_items_per_condition = 6, trial_length = 5000, pref = 0.5, pref_window = c(1, trial_length), noisy_window = NULL, ... )


  • num_participants: Number of participants

  • num_items_per_condition: Number of trials per-subject per-condition.

  • trial_length: How long is the trial (in ms)?

  • pref: Their preference between the two AOIs in the "high" condition, where 1 is 100

    preference). In the "low" condition, their preference between the two AOIs is equal, so default is no effect of condition.

  • pref_window: Vector of length two, specifying start and end of time-window in which participants expressed the preference specified in pref. Default is the entire trial

  • noisy_window: Vector of length two, specifying start and end of time-window in which there was substantial trackloss during the trial.

  • ...: Ignored


Dataframe with eye-tracking data

  • Maintainer: Samuel Forbes
  • License: MIT + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2023-09-15