directional_accuracy_measures function

Directional accuracy measures

Directional accuracy measures

A collection of accuracy measures based on the accuracy of the prediction's direction (say, increasing or decreasing). data


An object of class list of length 3.

MDA(.resid, .actual, na.rm = TRUE, reward = 1, penalty = 0, ...) MDV(.resid, .actual, na.rm = TRUE, ...) MDPV(.resid, .actual, na.rm = TRUE, ...) directional_accuracy_measures


  • .resid: A vector of residuals from either the training (model accuracy) or test (forecast accuracy) data.
  • .actual: A vector of responses matching the fitted values (for forecast accuracy, new_data must be provided).
  • na.rm: Remove the missing values before calculating the accuracy measure
  • reward, penalty: The weights given to correct and incorrect predicted directions.
  • ...: Additional arguments for each measure.


MDA(): Mean Directional Accuracy MDV(): Mean Directional Value MDPV(): Mean Directional Percentage Value


Blaskowitz and H. Herwartz (2011) "On economic evaluation of directional forecasts". International Journal of Forecasting, 27 (4), 1058-1065.