Analyze, Summarize, and Visualize Daily Streamflow Data
Add a basin area column to daily flows
Add a daily cumulative volumetric flows column to daily flows
Add a daily cumulative water yield column to daily flows
Add a daily volumetric flows column to daily flows
Add a daily volumetric water yield column to daily flows
Add year, month, and day of year variable columns to daily flows
Add rolling n-day average column(s) to daily flows
Add a column of seasons
Calculate all fasstr annual statistics
Calculate annual (and seasonal) total cumulative flows
Calculate annual high and low flows
Calculate annual timing of flows
Calculate annual high flows and dates
Calculate annual low flows and dates
Calculate annual days above and below normal
Calculate annual days above and below normal
Calculate annual high and low flows
Calculate annual summary statistics
Calculate cumulative daily flow statistics
Calculate daily summary statistics
Calculate the percentile rank of a flow value
Calculate long-term summary statistics from daily mean flows
Calculate the long-term mean annual discharge
Calculate long-term summary statistics from annual monthly mean flows
Calculate long-term percentiles
Calculate cumulative monthly flow statistics
Calculate monthly summary statistics
Perform an annual low or high-flow frequency analysis
Calculate prewhitened nonlinear annual trends on streamflow data
Perform a custom volume frequency analysis
Calculate an annual frequency analysis quantile
Compute a suite of tables and plots from various fasstr functions
Perform a frequency analysis on annual peak statistics from HYDAT
fasstr: Analyze, Summarize, and Visualize Daily Streamflow Data
Fills data gaps of missing dates
Plot annual (and seasonal) total cumulative flows
Plot annual high and low flows for a specific year
Plot annual high and low flows
Plot annual timing of flows for a specific year
Plot annual timing of flows
Plot annual high flows and dates
Plot annual low flows and dates
Plot annual means compared to the long-term mean
Plot days above normal, below normal and normal for a specific year
Plot annual count of normal days and days above and below normal
Plot annual days above and below normal
Plot annual summary statistics (as lines)
Plot annual summary statistics (as ribbons)
Plot daily streamflow data symbols by year
Plot cumulative daily flow statistics
Plot daily summary statistics
Plot annual summary statistics for data screening
Plot daily streamflow data with their symbols
Plot a daily streamflow data set
Plot flow duration curves
Plot long-term summary statistics from daily mean flows
Plot long-term summary statistics from annual monthly mean flows
Plot annual and monthly missing dates
Plot cumulative monthly flow statistics
Plot monthly means and percent LTMADs
Plot monthly summary statistics
Plot monthly summary statistics (as ribbons)
Objects exported from other packages
Calculate annual summary and missing data statistics for screening dat...
Write a streamflow dataset as a .xlsx, .xls, or .csv file
Write a suite of tables and plots from various fasstr functions into a...
Write all data frames and plots from a list of objects into a director...
Write plots from a list into a directory or PDF document
Write a data frame as a .xlsx, .xls, or .csv file
The Flow Analysis Summary Statistics Tool for R, 'fasstr', provides various functions to tidy and screen daily stream discharge data, calculate and visualize various summary statistics and metrics, and compute annual trending and volume frequency analyses. It features useful function arguments for filtering of and handling dates, customizing data and metrics, and the ability to pull daily data directly from the Water Survey of Canada hydrometric database (<>).
Useful links