rnorm_pre function

Make a normal vector correlated to existing vectors

Make a normal vector correlated to existing vectors

rnorm_pre Produces a random normally distributed vector with the specified correlation to one or more existing vectors

rnorm_pre(x, mu = 0, sd = 1, r = 0, empirical = FALSE, threshold = 1e-12)


  • x: the existing vector or data table of all vectors
  • mu: desired mean of returned vector
  • sd: desired SD of returned vector
  • r: desired correlation(s) between existing and returned vectors
  • empirical: logical. If true, mu, sd and r specify the empirical not population mean, sd and covariance
  • threshold: for checking correlation matrix




v1 <- rnorm(10) v2 <- rnorm_pre(v1, 0, 1, 0.5) cor(v1, v2) x <- rnorm_multi(50, 2, .5) x$y <- rnorm_pre(x, r = c(0.5, 0.25)) cor(x)
  • Maintainer: Lisa DeBruine
  • License: MIT + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2023-04-20