fbad_get_search( fbacc, q, type = c("adeducationschool","adeducationmajor","adgeolocation","adcountry","adzipcode","adgeolocationmeta","adradiussuggestion","adinterest","adinterestsuggestion","adinterestvalid","adlocale","adTargetingCategory","adworkemployer","targetingsearch"),...)
fbacc: (optional) FB_Ad_account object, which defaults to the last returned object of fbad_init.
q: string that is being searched for
type: describes the type of search eg: adinterest, adeducationmajor etc
...: other optional parameters accepted by the endpoint as key = value pairs eg: limit = 5000.
data.frame containing results
## Not run:fbad_get_search(q ='r programming language', type ='adinterest')fbad_get_search(q = c('dog','cat'), type ='adinterestvalid')## End(Not run)