This function creates a new request for a specific resource defined by a URL. It mimics the format of the requests provided through httpuv, meaning that it can be used in place for the requests send to the before-request, request, and after-request handlers. This is only provided so that handlers can be tested without having to start up a server.
url: A complete url for the resource the request should ask for
method: The request type (get, post, put, etc). Defaults to "get"
appLocation: A string giving the first part of the url path that should be stripped from the path
content: The content of the request, either a raw vector or a string
headers: A list of name-value pairs that defines the request headers
...: Additional name-value pairs that should be added to the request
A Rook-compliant environment
req <- fake_request('', content ='Some important content')# Get the main address of the URLreq[['SERVER_NAME']]# Get the query stringreq[['QUERY_STRING']]# ... etc.# Cleaning up connectionsrm(req)gc()