plotCellMapping function

Plot Cell Mapping

Plot Cell Mapping

Visualizes the transitions among the cells in the General Cell Mapping approach.

plotCellMapping(feat.object, control)


  • feat.object: [FeatureObject]

    A feature object as created by createFeatureObject.

  • control: [list]

    A list, which stores additional control arguments. For further information, see details.




Possible control arguments are:

  • Computation of GCM Features:

    • gcm.approach: Which approach should be used when computing the representatives of a cell. The default is "min", i.e. the observation with the best (minimum) value within per cell.
    • gcm.cf_power: Theoretically, we need to compute the canonical form to the power of infinity. However, we use this value as approximation of infinity. The default is 256.
  • Plot Control:

    • gcm.margin: The margins of the plot as used by par("mar"). The default is c(5, 5, 4, 4).

    • gcm.color_attractor: Color of the attractors. The default is "#333333", i.e. dark grey.

    • gcm.color_uncertain: Color of the uncertain cells. The default is "#cccccc", i.e. grey.

    • gcm.color_basin: Color of the basins of attraction. This has to be a function, which computes the colors, depending on the number of attractors. The default is the color scheme from ggplot2.

    • gcm.plot_arrows: Should arrows be plotted? The default is TRUE.

    • gcm.arrow.length_{x, y}: Scaling factor of the arrow length in x- and y-direction. The default is 0.9, i.e. 90% of the actual length.

    • gcm.arrowhead.{length, width}: Scaling factor for the width and length of the arrowhead. Per default (0.1) the arrowhead is 10% of the length of the original arrow.

    • gcm.arrowhead.type: Type of the arrowhead. Possible options are "simple", "curved", "triangle"

      (default), "circle", "ellipse" and "T".

    • gcm.color_grid: Color of the grid lines. The default is "#333333", i.e. dark grey.

    • gcm.label.{x, y}_coord: Label of the x-/y-coordinate (below / left side of the plot).

    • gcm.label.{x, y}_id: Label of the x-/y-cell ID (above / right side of the plot).

    • gcm.plot_{coord, id}_labels: Should the coordinate (bottom and left) / ID (top and right) labels be plotted? The default is TRUE.


# (1) Define a function: library(smoof) f = makeHosakiFunction() # (2) Create a feature object: X = cbind( x1 = runif(n = 100, min = -32, max = 32), x2 = runif(n = 100, min = 0, max = 10) ) y = apply(X, 1, f) feat.object = createFeatureObject(X = X, y = y, blocks = c(4, 6)) # (3) Plot the cell mapping: plotCellMapping(feat.object)


  • Kerschke, P., Preuss, M., Hernandez, C., Schuetze, O., Sun, J.-Q., Grimme, C., Rudolph, G., Bischl, B., and Trautmann, H. (2014): Cell Mapping Techniques for Exploratory Landscape Analysis , in: EVOLVE -- A Bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics, and Evolutionary Computation V, pp. 115-131 (
  • Maintainer: Pascal Kerschke
  • License: BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2020-03-31