Flexible Relative Survival Analysis
Internal Objects and functions for the flexrsurv
Fit Relative Survival Model
Fit Relative Survival Model and Correct Life Tables
Package for flexible relative survival analyses
Compute expected hazards with respect to a corrected reference life ta...
computes expected hazards with respect to a reference life table
Computes expected hazards with respect to a reference life table
Log-Likelihood and the number of observations for a flexrsuv
Non Log-Linear effect
Non Log-Linear effect and non proportional effect
Non Proportional Hazard effect
Non Proportional Hazard and Non Log-Linear effect
Predictions for a relative survival model
Predictions for relational life table model
Generic method for prediction of spline function
Print a Short Summary of a Relative Survival Model
Summarizing Flexible Relative Survival Model Fits
Weighted cumulative exposure index
Package for parametric relative survival analyses. It allows to model non-linear and non-proportional effects and both non proportional and non linear effects, using splines (B-spline and truncated power basis), Weighted Cumulative Index of Exposure effect, with correction model for the life table. Both non proportional and non linear effects are described in Remontet, L. et al. (2007) <doi:10.1002/sim.2656> and Mahboubi, A. et al. (2011) <doi:10.1002/sim.4208>.