Ecosystem Gas Fluxes Calculations for Closed Loop Chamber Setup
calculates ecosystem gas fluxes
filter cut data before calculating fluxes
to check the type of fit
Fitting a model to the gas concentration curve and estimating the slop...
prepares text to print in flux_plot
plotting fluxes with exponential fit
creates the flag column to be used by flux_plot
plotting fluxes with linear fit
plotting fluxes with a quadratic fit
plotting fluxes for visual evaluation
quality assessment for the slopes estimated by flux_fitting
quality assessment for the slopes estimated by flux_fitting
linear fit to gas concentration over time
quadratic fit to gas concentration over time
Fitting a model to concentration data and estimating the slope
counts quality flags
Matching continuously measured fluxes with measurement IDs and meta da...
prepares text to print for flux_plot function
assessing quality of slopes calculated with flux_fitting
fluxible: Ecosystem Gas Fluxes Calculations for Closed Loop Chamber Se...
Processes the raw data from closed loop flux chamber (or tent) setups into ecosystem gas fluxes usable for analysis. It goes from a data frame of gas concentration over time (which can contain several measurements) and a meta data file indicating which measurement was done when, to a data frame of ecosystem gas fluxes including quality diagnostics. Functions provided include different models (exponential as described in Zhao et al (2018) <doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.08.022>, quadratic and linear) to estimate the fluxes from the raw data, quality assessment, plotting for visual check and calculation of fluxes based on the setup specific parameters (chamber size, plot area, ...).