Finite Mixture Parametrization
Empirical Density Function
Convert fitdist Objects to fmx Class
Convert mixEM
Objects to fmx Class
Convert Normal
fit from [list("mixsmsn")](
Turn Various Objects to fmx Class
Convert Skew.normal
Object to fmx
Convert Skew.t
fit from [list("mixsmsn")](
Convert t
fit from [list("mixsmsn")](
Parameter Estimates of fmx object
Confidence Interval of fmx Object
Inverse of fmx2dbl , for internal use
Density, Distribution and Quantile of Finite Mixture Distribution
Distribution Parameters that needs to have a log-transformation
Name(s) of Formal Argument(s) of Distribution
Distribution Type
fmx Class: Finite Mixture Parametrization
Finite Mixture Parametrization
Create fmx Object for Finite Mixture Distribution
Parameter Constraint(s) of Mixture Distribution
Diagnoses for fmx Estimates
Reparameterization of fmx Object
TeX Label (of Parameter Constraint(s)) of fmx Object
One-Sample Kolmogorov Distance
Log-Likelihood of fitdist Object
Log-Likelihood of fmx Object
Log-Likelihood of 'mixEM'
Maximum a Posteriori clustering
Names of Distribution Parameters of 'mixEM'
Multinomial Probabilities & Logits
Moment of Each Component in an fmx Object
Creates fmx Object with Given Component-Wise Moments
Number of Observations in fitdist Object
Number of Parameters of fmx Object
S3 print of fmx Object
Obtain interval
for vuniroot2 for Function qfmx
Show fmx Object
Sort 'mixEM'
Object by First Parameters
Sort Objects from [list("mixsmsn")](
Subset of Components in fmx Object
Formalize User-Specified Constraint of fmx Object
Variance-Covariance of fmx Object
A parametrization framework for finite mixture distribution using S4 objects. Density, cumulative density, quantile and simulation functions are defined. Currently normal, Tukey g-&-h, skew-normal and skew-t distributions are well tested. The gamma, negative binomial distributions are being tested.