plot.forecastML function

Plot an object of class 'forecastML'

Plot an object of class 'forecastML'

A forecast plot of h-step-ahead forecasts produced from multiple horizon-specific forecast models using combine_forecasts().

## S3 method for class 'forecastML' plot( x, data_actual = NULL, actual_indices = NULL, facet = ~model, models = NULL, group_filter = NULL, drop_facet = FALSE, ... )


  • x: An object of class 'forecastML' from combine_forecasts().
  • data_actual: A data.frame containing the target/outcome name and any grouping columns. The data can be historical actuals and/or holdout/test data.
  • actual_indices: Required if data_actual is given. A vector or 1-column data.frame of numeric row indices or dates (class 'Date' or 'POSIXt') with length nrow(data_actual). The data can be historical actuals and/or holdout/test data.
  • facet: Optional. A formula with any combination of model, or group (for grouped time series) passed to ggplot2::facet_grid() internally (e.g., ~ model, model ~ ., ~ model + group).
  • models: Optional. Filter results by user-defined model name from train_model().
  • group_filter: Optional. A string for filtering plot results for grouped time-series (e.g., "group_col_1 == 'A'"); passed to dplyr::filter() internally.
  • drop_facet: Optional. Boolean. If actuals are given when forecasting factors, the plot facet with 'actual' data can be dropped.
  • ...: Not used.


Forecast plot of class 'ggplot'.