Calculate the elasticities of a quadratic or translog frontier function.
## S3 method for class 'frontierQuad'elas( object, data =NULL, dataLogged =TRUE, yObs =FALSE,...)
object: object of class frontierQuad
(returned by frontierQuad).
data: dataframe containing the data; if it is not specified, the data frame that was used for the frontier estimation is used for calculating elasticities.
dataLogged: logical. Are the variables (specified in arguments yName and xNames
and available in argument data) already logged? (If argument dataLogged is TRUE, the frontier function is of the translog form; if argument dataLogged is FALSE, the frontier function is quadratic).
yObs: logical. Use observed values of the endogenous variable. If FALSE (default) predicted values calculated by quadFuncCalc are used (ignored if argument dataLogged is TRUE).
``: currently ignored.
This method internally calls the functions translogEla and quadFuncEla.