Various Tools for Exchange Rate Regime Classification
Various Tools for Exchange Rate Regime Classification
Tools for exchange rate regime classification, currently under development.
fxpegtest(model, peg =NULL,...)
model: an object of class "fxlm" as returned by fxlm.
peg: character with the name of the currency the target currency is pegged to. By default this is chosen to be the currency with the maximal absolute coefficient.
...: arguments passed to linearHypothesis.
These tools should help to automate exchange rate regime classification.
The first building block is the function fxpegtest, a simple convenience interface to linearHypothesis. It assess the null hypothesis that only the peg currency has coefficient 1 and all other currencies have coefficient 0.
Shah A., Zeileis A., Patnaik I. (2005), What is the New Chinese Currency Regime?, Report 23, Department of Statistics and Mathematics, Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien, Research Report Series, November 2005.
Zeileis A., Shah A., Patnaik I. (2010), Testing, Monitoring, and Dating Structural Changes in Exchange Rate Regimes, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 54(6), 1696--1706.
See Also
fxlm, fxregimes
## load package and datalibrary("fxregime")data("FXRatesCHF", package ="fxregime")## compute returns for CNY (and explanatory currencies)## after abolishing fixed USD regime until end of 2005cny <- fxreturns("CNY", frequency ="daily", start = as.Date("2005-07-25"), end = as.Date("2005-12-31"), other = c("USD","JPY","EUR","GBP"))## estimate full-sample exchange rate regression modelfm <- fxlm(CNY ~ USD + JPY + EUR + GBP, data = cny)## check for plain USD peg:fxpegtest(fm)## no deviation from a plain USD peg