Datasets for 'gap'
ALDH2 markers and Alcoholism
APOE/APOC1 markers and Alzheimer's
An example data for regional association plot
Cystic fibrosis data
A CNV data
Crohn's disease data
Friedreich Ataxia data
A case-control data involving four SNPs with missing genotype
The HLA data
An example data for Manhattan plot with annotation
A data containing protein panel
A data containing independent GWAS hits as from GCTA
An example pedigree data
An example pedigree
A study of Parkinson's disease and MAO gene
A pedigree data on 282 animals deriving from two generations
Example data for ACEnucfam
An example data for Manhattan plot with annotation (mhtplot)
A study of Alzheimer's disease with eight SNPs and APOE
An example data for forest plot using METAL output
A study of Parkinson's disease and APOE, LRRK2, SNCA makers
Results from a GWAS on Chickens
Datasets associated with the 'gap' package. Currently, it includes an example data for regional association plot (CDKN), an example data for a genomewide association meta-analysis (OPG), data in studies of Parkinson's diease (PD), ALHD2 markers and alcoholism (aldh2), APOE/APOC1 markers and Schizophrenia (apoeapoc), cystic fibrosis (cf), a Olink/INF panel (inf1), Manhattan plots with (hr1420, mhtdata) and without (w4) gene annotations.