A function computing density or its logarithm of a given distribution.
distr_density(y, f, distr, param =NULL, par_link =NULL, trans =NULL)
y: Observations. For an univariate distribution, a numeric vector. For a multivariate distribution, a numeric matrix with observations in rows or a numeric vector of a single observation.
f: Parameters. For the same parameters for all observations, a numeric vector. For individual parameters for each observation, a numeric matrix with rows corresponding to observations.
distr: A distribution.
param: A parametrization of the distribution.
par_link: An optional logical vector indicating whether the logarithmic/logistic link should be applied to restricted parameters in order to obtain unrestricted values. Defaults to keeping the original link for all parameters.
trans: An optional transformation of the density. The supported transformation is the logarithm of the density (trans = "log").
The (transformed) density.
# Density of the negative binomial distributiondistr_density(y = c(1,8,5,0,0), f = c(13.50,0.03), distr ="negbin")