Collection of Functions for Gaussian Quadrature
Perform Gauss Chebyshev quadrature
Create list of Chebyshev quadrature rules
Perform Gauss Chebyshev quadrature
Create list of Chebyshev quadrature rules
Perform Gauss Chebyshev quadrature
Create list of Chebyshev quadrature rules
Perform Gauss Chebyshev quadrature
Create list of Chebyshev quadrature rules
Perform Gauss Gegenbauer quadrature
Create list of Gegenbauer quadrature rules
Perform generalized Gauss Hermite quadrature
Create list of generalized Hermite quadrature rules
Perform Gauss Laguerre quadrature
Create list of generalized Laguerre quadrature rules
Perform Gauss Hermite quadrature
Create list of Hermite quadrature rules
Perform Gauss Hermite quadrature
Create list of Hermite quadrature rules
Perform Gauss Jacobi quadrature
Create list of Jacobi quadrature rules
Perform Gauss Jacobi quadrature
Create list of Jacobi quadrature rules
Perform Gauss Laguerre quadrature
Create list of Laguerre quadrature rules
Perform Gauss Legendre quadrature
Create list of Legendre quadrature rules
Generate the quadrature rule table
Create a list of quadrature rule data frames
Perform Gauss shifted Chebyshev quadrature
Create list of shifted Chebyshev quadrature rules
Perform Gauss shifted Chebyshev quadrature
Create list of shifted Chebyshev quadrature rules
Perform Gauss shifted Legendre quadrature
Create list of shifted Legendre quadrature rules
Perform Gauss spherical quadrature
Create list of shperical quadrature rules
Perform Gauss ultraspherical quadrature
Create list of ultraspherical quadrature rules
A collection of functions to perform Gaussian quadrature with different weight functions corresponding to the orthogonal polynomials in package orthopolynom. Examples verify the orthogonality and inner products of the polynomials.