Distances and Routes on Geographical Grids
Accumulated Cost Surface
Adjacent cells
Arithmetic and mathematical operations with objects of Transition* cla...
Commute-time distance
Coords class
Cost distance
Distances and Routes on Geographical Grids
Geographic Correction
Overlap and nonoverlap of trajectories
Probability of passage
Incidence of paths from a common origin: overlap and non-overlap
RasterLayer from TransitionLayer object
Randomized shortest path distance
Shortest path
Summary methods
Reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of conductance values in Tran...
Transition classes
Extracting and replacing: class Transition
Extract or change elements of Transition* objects
Create an object of the class Transition
Provides classes and functions to calculate various distance measures and routes in heterogeneous geographic spaces represented as grids. The package implements measures to model dispersal histories first presented by van Etten and Hijmans (2010) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012060>. Least-cost distances as well as more complex distances based on (constrained) random walks can be calculated. The distances implemented in the package are used in geographical genetics, accessibility indicators, and may also have applications in other fields of geospatial analysis.