Genesys PGR Client
Get partial API v1 URL for the provided path
Get partial API v2 URL for the provided path
Provide OAuth2 token to use for authorization with Genesys
Run Land-or-Sea check on MCPD data. Uploads only rows where ORIGCTY, D...
Run Land-or-Sea check on MCPD data using https://validator.genesys-pgr...
Login to Genesys as a service client (system-to-system)
Ensure that environment has OAuth token
Fetch accession passport data page.
Fetch a page of data from Genesys
Fetch a page of data from Genesys
List accession passport data (paginated)
Max pages to retrieve
Configure package defaults on load
HTTP POST method
Download passport data for one genebank in Excel format and save it to...
Download PDCI data for one genebank in Excel format and save it to dis...
Fetch accession passport data and return the paged data structure for ...
Add filter on accession DOI
Add filter by genus
Add filter by genus
Add filter on Country of origin of material
Add filter on Biological status of sample
Add filter on specific epithet
Get accession passport data as a data table.
Fetch Genesys crops. Note that the list of Genesys crops does not full...
List FAO WIEWS institutes.
Fetch taxonomic data of selected accessions.
Make or adjust filter using MCPD terminology
Who am i? Loads and prints the user profile from Genesys as JSON. You ...
Print Genesys client configuration
Configure the Genesys environment
Setup for Genesys Production
Setup for Genesys Sandbox
Login to Genesys as a user
Access data on plant genetic resources from genebanks around the world published on Genesys (<>). Your use of data is subject to terms and conditions available at <>.
Useful links