topojson_read function

Read topojson from a local file or a URL

Read topojson from a local file or a URL

topojson_read(x, ...)


  • x: Path to a local file or a URL.

  • ...: Further args passed on to sf::st_read(). Can use any args from sf::st_read() except quiet, which we have set as quiet = TRUE

    internally already


an object of class sf/data.frame


Returns a sf class, but you can easily and quickly get this to geojson, see examples.

Note that this does not give you Topojson, but gives you a sf

class - which you can use then to turn it into geojson as a list or json


## Not run: # From a file file <- system.file("examples", "us_states.topojson", package = "geojsonio") topojson_read(file) # From a URL url <- "" topojson_read(url) # Use as.location first if you want topojson_read(as.location(file)) # quickly convert to geojson as a list file <- system.file("examples", "us_states.topojson", package = "geojsonio") tmp <- topojson_read(file) geojson_list(tmp) geojson_json(tmp) # pass on args topojson_read(file, quiet = TRUE) topojson_read(file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) ## End(Not run)

See Also

geojson_read(), topojson_write()