Geostatistical Analysis and Design of Optimal Spatial Sampling Networks
Generate a SpatialPoints object corresponding to the best result obtai...
geospt internal function
Cross-validation summaries
Cross-validation summaries
Variogram Estimator
geospt internal function
Geostatistical Analysis and Design of Optimal Spatial Sampling Network...
Graph that describes the behavior of the optimized p smoothing par...
Graph that describes the behavior of the optimized eta and rho...
idw cross validation leave-one-out
Generating AKSE
associated with a conditioned network design
graphs the probability or standardized variance in the directions nort...
rbf cross validation leave-one-out
Generates a RMSPE value, result of cross validation leave-one-out
radial basis function evaluation
gaussian, exponential, trigonometric, thin plate spline, inverse multi...
table of rbf cross validation, leave-one-out
sample n point locations in (or on) a spatial object
Design of optimal sampling networks through the sequential points meth...
Design of optimal sampling networks through the simultaneous points me...
Estimation of the variogram through trimmed mean, radial basis functions (optimization, prediction and cross-validation), summary statistics from cross-validation, pocket plot, and design of optimal sampling networks through sequential and simultaneous points methods.