Quality Control Charts for 'ggplot'
Mean of Subgroup Medians Lower Control Limit (LCL) based on Median Ran...
Mean of Subgroup Medians Upper Control Limit (UCL) based on Median Ran...
Mean of Subgroup Medians Upper Control Limit (UCL) based on mean Range
Mean of Subgroup Medians Lower Control Limit (LCL) based on Mean Range
Calculate Summary of Quality Performance Parameters
Lower Control Limit: Count Data (c-chart)
Upper Control Limit: Count Data (c-chart)
Calculate Cp
Calculate Cpk
Calculate Distance to Nearest Specification Limit
Calculate Distance to Lower Specification Limit
Mean One-Point Moving Range
One Point Moving Range of Vector
Mean One-Point Moving Range Upper Control Limit (UCL)
Mean Value: Binomial Data (np-chart)
Lower Control Limit: Binomial Data (np-chart)
Upper Control Limit: Binomial Data (np-chart)
Mean Proportion: Binomial Data (p-chart)
Lower Control Limit: Binomial Data (p-chart)
Upper Control Limit: Binomial Data (p-chart)
Calculate Pp
Calculate Cpk
Calculate QC Process Tolerance
Calculate Summary of Quality Performance Parameters
Calculate QC Limits
Calculate QC Violations
Range: Max Min Difference
Mean Subgroup Range
Mean Subgroup Range Lower Control Limit (LCL)
Mean Subgroup Range Upper Control Limit (UCL)
Median of Subgroup Ranges
Median of Subgroup Ranges Lower Control Limit (LCL)
Median of Subgroup Ranges Upper Control Limit (UCL)
Mean Subgroup Standard Deviation
Mean Subgroup Standard Deviation Lower Control Limit (LCL)
Mean Subgroup Standard Deviation Upper Control Limit (UCL)
Generate mR chart in ggplot
Generate a Pareto Plot with ggplot
Produce QC Charts with ggplot Framework.
horizontal Label Capability Stat
horizontal Line Capability Stat
horizontal Label Capability Stat
Vertical Label Capability Stat
Vertical Line Capability Stat
Generic Function for drawing QC capability information on plots
Auto QC Capability Stat Function
Write QC Line Labels to ggplot QC Charts.
Inspect QC Violations
Mean Rate: Count Data (u-chart)
Lower Control Limit: Count Data (u-chart)
Upper Control Limit: Count Data (u-chart)
Calculate Distance to Upper Specification Limit
Mean of Subgroup Means
xBar_One Lower Control Limit (LCL)
xBar_One Upper Control Limit (UCL)
Mean of Subgroup Means Lower Control Limit (LCL)
Mean of Subgroup Means Upper Control Limit (UCL)
Mean of Subgroup Means Lower Control Limit (LCL) based on Median Range
Mean of Subgroup Means Upper Control Limit (UCL) based on Median Range
Mean of Subgroup Means Lower Control Limit (LCL) based on Standard Dev...
Mean of Subgroup Means Upper Control Limit (UCL) based on Standard Dev...
Mean of Subgroup Medians
Plot single and faceted type quality control charts for 'ggplot'.