get_predictions() is the core function to return adjusted predictions for a model, when calling ggpredict() or predict_response()
with margin = "mean_reference" (the default option for margin). Basically, the input contains the model object and a data grid that is typically used for the newdata argument of the predict() method. get_predictions() can be used as S3-method for own classes, to add support for new models in ggeffects and is only relevant for package developers.
There are no S3-class definitions for ggemmeans() or ggaverage(), because these functions simply call methods from the emmeans or marginaleffects
packages. Hence, methods should be written for those packages, too, if a model-object should work with ggemmeans() or ggaverage().
model, terms, ci_level, type, typical, vcov, vcov_args, condition, interval, bias_correction, verbose: Arguments from the call to predict_response() that are passed down to get_predictions(). Note that bias_correction is usally already processed in predict_response()
and thus doesn't need further handling in get_predictions(), unless you need to re-calculate the link-inverse-function (argument link_inverse) inside the get_predictions() method.
...: Further arguments, passed to predict() or other methods used in get_predictions().
data_grid: A data frame containing the data grid (or reference grid) with all relevant values of predictors for which the adjusted predictions should be made. Typically the data frame that is passed to the newdata
argument in predict(). A data grid can be created with functions like data_grid() or insight::get_datagrid().
link_inverse: The model's family link-inverse function. Can be retrieved using insight::link_inverse().
model_info: An object returned by insight::model_info().
A data frame that contains
the data grid (from the argument data_grid)
the columns predicted, conf.low, and conf.high
optionally, the attribute "std.error" with the standard errors.
Note that predictions and confidence intervals should already be transformed to the response scale (e.g., by using insight::link_inverse()). The standard errors are always on the link scale (not transformed).
If values are not available (for example, confidence intervals), set their value to NA.
Adding support for ggeffects is quite easy. The user-level function is predict_response(), which either calls ggpredict(), ggemmeans() or ggaverage(). These function, in turn, call predict(), emmeans::emmeans()
or marginaleffects::avg_predictions(). Following needs to be done to add support for new model classes:
emmeans : if your model is supported by emmeans, it is automatically supported by ggemmeans(). Thus, you need to add the corresponding methods to your package so that your model class is supported by **emmeans.
marginaleffects : similar to emmeans , if your package is supported by the marginaleffects package, it works with ggaverage().
predict : in order to make your model class work with ggpredict(), you need to add a get_predictions() method. The here documented arguments are all passed from predict_response() to get_predictions(), no matter if they are required to calculate predictions or not. Thus, it is not necessary to process all of those arguments, but they can be used to modulate certain settings when calculating predictions. Note that if your method does not define all mentioned arguments, these are still passed via ... - make sure that further methods in your get_predictions() method still work when they process the .... It is important that the function returns a data frame with a specific structure, namely the data grid and the columns predicted, conf.low, and conf.high. Predictions and intervals should be on the response scale.
A simple example for an own class-implementation for Gaussian-alike models could look like this:
get_predictions.own_class <- function(model, data_grid, ci_level = 0.95, ...) {
predictions <- predict(
newdata = data_grid,
type = "response", = !,
# do we have standard errors?
if ( {
# copy predictions
data_grid$predicted <- as.vector(predictions)
} else {
# copy predictions
data_grid$predicted <- predictions$fit
# calculate CI
data_grid$conf.low <- predictions$fit - qnorm(0.975) * predictions$
data_grid$conf.high <- predictions$fit + qnorm(0.975) * predictions$
# optional: copy standard errors
attr(data_grid, "std.error") <- predictions$
A simple example for an own class-implementation for non-Gaussian-alike models
could look like this (note the use of the link-inverse function link_inverse(),
which is passed to the link_inverse argument):
get_predictions.own_class <- function(model,
ci_level = 0.95,
link_inverse = insight::link_inverse(model),
...) {
predictions <- predict(
newdata = data_grid,
type = "link", # for non-Gaussian, return on link-scale = !,
# do we have standard errors?
if ( {
# copy predictions
data_grid$predicted <- link_inverse(as.vector(predictions))
} else {
# copy predictions, use link-inverse to back-transform
data_grid$predicted <- link_inverse(predictions$fit)
# calculate CI
data_grid$conf.low <- link_inverse(
predictions$fit - qnorm(0.975) * predictions$
data_grid$conf.high <- link_inverse(
predictions$fit + qnorm(0.975) * predictions$
# optional: copy standard errors
attr(data_grid, "std.error") <- predictions$